I ran for Colwood Council to help create a more sustainable future for our community.
For over 20 years I ran an award-winning family business which supported the quality of life of its employees and the customers who made the Royal Bay Bakery a local success.
Now I want to share my energy and experience to help build authentic connections and a collaborative community culture that leaves no one behind.
David Grove
My Priorities

Working to provide excellent Quality of Life services and supports for Colwood residents of all ages. Good health and caring for one another is everything.

Seeking thoughtful and balanced solutions to ensure that we have acquirable, sustainable, and safe homes for everyone in our community.

Building community capacity for sowing, growing, harvesting, and processing more of our own food. Traditional skills are life skills. Food brings people together.

Good Ideas
Working within a clear and integrated framework of measurable goals, fiscal oversight, community engagement, and transparent processes.

About David Grove
I have much to be thankful for: Health, Family and Friends, Our Home and Neighbourhood, and a City I am proud to live in.
I have a family that is healthy and safe, established and live close by. Gwen and I have been living a smooth 2 minute walk from the Royal Bay Bakery we owned and operated for 22 years while raising our two sons – Julian, married to Stephanie with daughter Eliza living in Colwood, and Tim, who is engaged to Katie and living in Nanaimo.
Through the years we met thousands of people whose friendships endure. My home is a 1959 house on a large lot, and big enough to pursue my dreams: food gardening, solar electric energy production, entertaining friends, playing piano, and living in comfort. Contentment is health. My mother often said, “David, look after yourself, your health is everything.”
The Lagoon area offered us schools, parks, oceanfront, and ample activities, including JdF soccer for the kids. Our business thrived with unending patronage from West Shore folks … City Hall, the Police, and Fire Departments, Royal Roads University, our Dentist and Family Doctor, all nearby. These supports were healthy for us. Again, we have been most fortunate.
We own 2 electric cars. This technology has an elegance about it I find irresistible. When a teenager growing up in the big city back east (Toronto) I bought a book, Build Your Own Electric Car. I didn’t get that one built, but in 2011, as owners of Royal Bay Bakery, Gwen and I purchased the first available mass market EV, installed a charger and solar panels. A long dream made possible by huge local support of our business. The enthusiastic public response to our actions cemented my environmental focus and determination.
Many visitors from away visit this beautiful part of Canada. Let’s do what we must to keep it – make it, grow it, sustain it – as ever, the best place.
Where to Meet David in the Community
Saturday, FEBRUARY 11 – Join David at the Colwood Ideas Fair at Royal Bay Secondary School
The Colwood Ideas Fair is an exciting, interactive opportunity for Colwood residents to engage in conversations and share ideas with Council, staff and each other on a number of topics, including Seniors | Youth | Health | Arts & Culture | Traffic | Sewer Service | and other Big Ideas.
There will be a station for each topic with a staff facilitator and activities to help residents understand some of the considerations and share their views in interactive ways. Learn more.
Be sure to take Colwood’s Citizen Survey
Tell Colwood Council what matters MOST to you about the services provided by the City of Colwood. Please invest 15 minutes before February 15 to take part in a satisfaction survey to share your views about quality of life in Colwood. It is an opportunity to talk about which city services are most important to you and where there are opportunities for improvement. The findings will help Colwood Council and staff better understand citizen priorities and expectations.
Look for a postcard in your mail box with your unique survey link!
Survey postcards were mailed to Colwood addresses in the last week of January. Each postcard includes a unique and confidential survey link. Learn more.
Send David a Message
Follow David Grove on Social Media
Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgement
I moved to Vancouver Island from Toronto in 1980 to study piano performance at the University of Victoria. I was immediately struck by the Indigenous ‘presence’ here on the Island. I must acknowledge this presence. I learned over the years to appreciate the depth and spiritual strength of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples that are ever-present on these lands, together with the nearby people of the Sc’ianew First Nation.
The City of Colwood lies within unceded territories. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to live on these lands, and look forward to continuing to learn more about Indigenous ways of being and knowing to help me continue to live more lightly on the Earth. Thank you.